jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Tanzania update

I'm still alive though I know the website has been out-of-date. All is well here! See http://swzanussi.blogspot.com if you want a more specific description of my adventures. Z's Keys is slow since I'm working for Umoja Arts Project and Music School, but I am still teaching two students back in the states. I've been teaching remotely for two years now. The new news is that I am going to start teaching Umoja kids remotely when they are traveling! SO maybe I will get more business in the long-run...we'll see.
I've also had a "vision." I've realized how perfectly this job suits me and how aligned I am with their mission, but I just can't see myself in Tanzania long-term. I would love to partner with Umoja and develop music schools like Umoja in other parts of the world, definitely South America and possibly SE Asia and I honestly feel that is going to be my motivation to get through grad school. Then I can develop Z's Keys into a bigger thing partnering with a great organization (Umoja) and still do the entrepreneurial side of things because it is very different working for someone. At the same time, it's great to have colleagues! I just miss having my own business. In the meantime, I'm learning a lot about communications, managing a non-profit, grant writing, etc.
I would love to hear any input you have though.

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