viernes, 2 de abril de 2010

A fellow distant teacher!

Wow. I randomly was searching my website on Google to see its numbered place when one types in Skype piano lessons (the answer is 2nd!) when I decided to look at my "competitor's" website. It is a great model for what my website should have and how piano lessons are created as a product. His prices are quite high though. But he goes one step further than Skype: He teaches via phone. Which I guess is what I do when the camera element doesn't work. I figured it'd be worth a try to email him and make a contact in the field. You just never know what may come of this. And heck, it's an email. The worst that happens is he doesn't respond. If he can give me insight into how to get piano students not from my area, that'd be fantastic. Pls as always, feedback about the site or business is always welcome!

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